Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Big Fr and Hungry F?

1. Since Francium is on the lowest row and the first column, it has seven shells and 87 electrons, one of which is a valence electron. Since the electrons are far away from the nucleus, it is easier to lose an electron.

2. Since Helium only has one energy shell, it is harder to lose an electron since it is so close to the nucleus.

3. Since the noble gases have 8 valence electrons, they are already stable without having to gain an electron.

4. Since the space between the nucleus and the valence electrons is so small, it is easy for Fluorine to gain an electron

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Radium is Element #88

1. My name in three different languages is Radium, Radium, and Radium. I got my name when my discoverer Marie Curie noticed my incredibly high level of radioactivity, a word that Marie Curie also created.

3. My nucleus found in the most common isotope has 88 protons and 138 neutrons. My naturally occurring   isotopes are 223Ra (Half-Life:11.435 d), 224Ra (Half-Life:3.66 d), 225Ra (Half-Life:14.9 d), 226Ra (Half-Life:1599 y), 227Ra (Half-Life:42 m), and 228Ra (Half-Life:5.76 y).

4.I have 88 electrons in a single neutral atom of radium. I have seven electron shells.

5. My atomic radius is 215 pm

6. My pure elemental properties are a white color and luminescent.

7.My abundance in the universe is 0 parts per billion.

8. I form the compounds Radium Bromide

Radium Chloride

Radium Oxide

9. I was discovered by Marie Curie during 1898 while in pitchblende, a uranium rich ore, from the Czech Republic. I was discovered when Marie removed uranium from the pitchblende, which was found to be still radioactive after the uranium removed.

10. I am used for creating self-luminous paints, lightbulbs, helping cure and cause cancer.

11. I gave several glow in the dark paint factory workers diseases, which caused them to sue their employers.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Welcome to my blog i can knock over stop signs with my mind and make goats faint by staring at them.

I love sleeping and coconuts.
I dream to be a chair